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What’s in a Domain Name?

Your online presence starts with a top quality domain name. At you'll find thousands of the best domain names waiting to be developed into first rate brands. Privacy Policy collects and maintains certain information (including e-mail addresses, IP addresses, names, geographic information, etc.) on many of its Websites and via price request and other forms (online and offline). This is done to help us provide our customers with the best customer service and with valuable information regarding relevant products and services from DomainMarket and appropriate third parties. is dedicated to protecting personal information and will make every reasonable effort to handle collected information appropriately. All information collected, as well as related requests, will be handled as carefully and efficiently as possible in accordance with's standards for integrity and objectivity. Email originating at contains clear and efficient instructions for opting out of future emails of its kind.

If you need assistance in updating the information you have provided to or you have questions or comments about these policies, contact's manager of customer information at [email protected].